Sunday, 18 October 2009

business to Forex

An Introducing Broker (IB) is a an entity that brings business to Forex dealing firms such as FXCM, GAIN or FXDD. These are firms that you will most likely be trading. By using an IB and receiving a volume rebate, you will increase your Forex trading success and minimize your transaction costs.
Doesn’t using a middle man normally cost you more? Here’s how it works. When you open an account through an IB you still see the same spreads and pricing at the dealer of your choice. You receive the same level of great customer service from your dealer, plus you have the personalized customer service touch of the IB. The IB is only compensated by the dealing firm through the bid ask spread. So it costs you nothing to work with them. The dealing firm makes a little bit les, but I am sure you can live with that, right?
Now the great thing is that the IB will entice you to become a client by providing you with perks such as an instant bonus on deposits and volume rebates. The deposit bonus will put your account up before you even make your first trade. The volume rebates will put money into your pocket for every lot your trade. In the example above with a $5 IB volume rebate your $1,000 loss will instantly turn into a $1,500 profit.
You are going to trade anyway. Why not enhance your chances of success with the IB volume rebate? For more detailed information about this Forex trading rebate, please fill out the form.
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